Stop the Presses!

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As I was telling you before, this was the article that my blog appeared in.  This is about the Biggest Loser competition that I am in.  I have talked about this previously in my blog post (click on the Biggest Loser catagory and all the post will come up for this competittion).  To clarify previous information, what they refer to as week 2 results, for my blog it was week 1 results.  They go by weigh-in’s  (counting the intital one) I go by actual weeks – so even though this was our second weigh-in – it was the end of the first full week of competition or the beginning of the second week.  Now that I cleared that up, Percentage was going to be a long shot for me to begin with because I weigh a lot, which makes it harder to gain percentages.  So I was not suprised that I did not make the leaderboard.  I am 11th here by weight.  I am alright with that.  Yes I want to win.  But more importantly – I want a healthy lifestyle.

Congrats to the leaders.  But I want to take time and say congrats to all the rest of the contestants not listed here.  You may not be on the leaderboard, but you are a winner to me.  Like I talked about Tammy Solomon in my last post (she was the un-named girl, who gave me permission to use her name), by you taking the time and energy to lose weight, your body is so much better for it.  And I am proud of you.  In the long run, it is not about the numbers, it is about the journey you are on.  It is about you making your body, mind and soul a priority.  Do it right and your body will reward you.  No matter if you come in last place – if you started this journey and really took it seriously and it is going to be more than a six-week competition, then you are a true winner, and you have my utmost respect and backing, and I am behind you 100%.

We live in a society that makes money off of making us fat and unhealthy.  I am glad to work for a company who wants to see people healthy, and will even make incentives for people to do just that.  I am also thankful for HR and Chris and Jackie who take the time to weigh us and  answer our questions or just listen.  And thanks to a company who finds out I am blogging about our journeys and decides to share it with everyone.  Again, I am very appreciated of it and humbled by it also.

For everyone who is reading this, losing weight might be the journey your on or have been thinking of starting, but it might be something else.  It might be drugs, alcohol, gambling, cheating, depression, etc….  Whatever it is, know you have friends and others who are with you.  YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  Yes, your situation might be unique, but going through the process is something we all can relate to.  We all can relate to the ups and downs, the success and failures.  Nobody is perfect.  But know one thing, I am here, I am behind you and I am rooting and cheering you on.  That is why I am doing this, that is why I share others journey.  Because in the end, it is not just about me, it is about us.   I wish you the best on your journey and I am waiting at the finish line to congratulate you.

For any one who is seeing my blog for the first time, please take time to look around, I am trying to be an open book and I hope you enjoy it.  take time to read the other journey’s part of my blog, these are everyday people who realized that they need to start their personal journey to be a better person.  If you enjoy it please share it on Facebook, twitter or anywhere else.  Thank you.

and the journey continues…….

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